Special Interest Groups
GROUP | Description | Contact | |
All Talk, No Action | Join us for a virtual, thought-provoking discussion. We’ll randomly pick from a list of topics and see what people have to say! | Becky Kumar kumarbecky@hotmail.com. | |
Christian MENSA Bible Study | Studying the Bible has a longer intellectual history than modern science. Newton wrote more about the Bible than science. Now there is an opportunity for Mensans and their non-Mensan friends to engage in the time-honored practice of discussing the Bible. | Ken Lawrence VirtualChristianBibleStudy@gmail.com | |
Gifted Youth Book Club | Bill Rock william.m.rock@gmail.com | ||
Gourmet SIG | The Gourmet SIG meets at 7pm on the 4th Saturday of each month. Join us for good food and conversation. All members and guests are welcome. | Joyce Borst junobrst@yahoo.com | |
History SIG | Kathi Riches ksariches@yahoo.com | ||
Lurching Toward Oblivion | Casual dinner meeting. | Pradeep and Becky Kumar kumarbecky@hotmail.com | |
M.E.N.S.A. (Mexican Enchiladas, Nachos, and Salsa Adventure) | Join us for fellowship, frijoles, and friendly conversation. New members particularly welcome. | Ruth Green-Waite | |
Main Monthly Meeting | Casual dinner meeting, usually with a speaker. Come at 6:30 pm for dinner. Speaker will start at 7:30. | Meghna Lamore LocSec@cmrmensa.org | |
Mensa French Conversation Group – | Hosted by NNJ Mensa | Kathleen Stein-Smith | |
Online Game SIG | – Hosted by St Louis Area Saint Louis Area Mensa is starting a monthly online game event. We will meet on the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm CDT. We will use the Boardgamearena.com platform for the games. Please log on to that platform and create a user ID. Browse the games for ones you are interested in playing. | Jim Davis jimdavis332@gmail.com | |
Virtual Book Club for Mensans | – Hosted by SEMM Members of SEMM have recently started a virtual book club. We meet the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7 pm Eastern time. | Vickie Marie Stout vickymariestout@gmail.com | |
Virtual Discussion Group | The Virtual Discussion Group meets every Saturday and talks about a wide variety of topics, and will talk about whatever anybody wants to talk about, including sharing stories, discussing current events, and exploring life in general. | MVirtualDiscussionGroup@gmail.com. |