“Happy March, everyone!
Spring is teasing us with the warmer weather, even though we’re still getting bouts of cold weather here and there, and I don’t know about you, but my family has been very busy digging and planting and so on. We love the beautifully long growing season here in North Carolina!
Now, a few reminders:
1. It’s March, which means that if you haven’t already, renew your membership! Remember, we get points for early renewals.
2. It’s almost time for CultureQuest, and we still need participants. It’ll be held virtually this year, and you can find more information here. Just like membership renewals, the deadline to complete the team roster is March 31. If our younger members want to form a Youth Team, only the captain needs to be a member. Contact me if you want to participate!
3. Thanks to Ruth Green-Waite’s dedication and efforts, this year’s Mind Games will be held right here in Charlotte! The Sonesta Charlotte Executive Park hotel will be hosting the games from April 18–21. For more information, contact Ruth Green-Waite or visit the Mind Games website.
4. Lastly, we still need an RG Chair—please consider volunteering. You will have plenty of help, I promise you!