Week of Events
Monthly Business Meeting open to all members. For more information, contact Meghna Lamore at meg@thelamores.com. Charlotte/Blue Ridge Mensa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/83243777166?pwd=RXRhZWVHWjc0K0dkU3FJV0p5RGdOUT09Meeting ID: 832 4377 7166Passcode: 836202One tap mobile+13052241968,,83243777166#,,,,*836202# US+19292056099,,83243777166#,,,,*836202# US (New York)
Christian MENSA Bible Study
Christian MENSA Bible Study
Studying the Bible has a longer intellectual history than modern science. Newton wrote more about the Bible than science. Now there is an opportunity for Mensans and their non-Mensan friends to engage in the time-honored practice of discussing the Bible. This Bible Study is open to all people for intellectual conversation about the Bible. It… Read More »Christian MENSA Bible Study
Online Game SIG – Hosted by St Louis Area Mensa
Online Game SIG – Hosted by St Louis Area Mensa
Saint Louis Area Mensa is starting a monthly online game event.We will meet on the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm CDT. Thisshould not conflict with other events.We will use Zoom for communications and a gaming platform for thegames. Join the meeting by going to this clickable link:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4901825334?pwd=OWN0bHRwZndGdDZtU29zaGtiODQyUT09We will use the Boardgamearena.com platform… Read More »Online Game SIG – Hosted by St Louis Area Mensa
Mensa Brainstorming SIG
Mensa Brainstorming SIG
The Mensa Brainstorming SIG was formed by Ken Lawrence. The purpose of the SIG is to allow members to suggest ways we can improve our organization. It also is intended to help new members understand what might be available, and give existing members ways that they can get involved. The main purposes of the SIG… Read More »Mensa Brainstorming SIG
Mensa French Conversation Group – Hosted by NNJ Mensa
Mensa French Conversation Group – Hosted by NNJ Mensa
Bonjour mes amis, Kathleen Stein-Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85124084817 Meeting ID: 851 2408 4817
Canceled All Talk, No Action
Canceled All Talk, No Action
Join us for a virtual, thought-provoking discussion. We'll randomly pick from a list of topics and see what people have to say! For more information or to submit a topic, contact Becky Kumar at kumarbecky@hotmail.com. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86714269467?pwd=bjJKbnBYQkRIZkdMMTNoWlY3bWtZZz09 Meeting ID: 867 1426 9467Passcode: Think
CBR Mensa Annual Holiday Party
CBR Mensa Annual Holiday Party
Join us at our annual Holiday Party for dinner, drinks, music, and games. Doors will open at noon with dinner served at 1 pm. There is no cost to attend, but RSVP is required by December 1st. When responding, please specify Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian, as we need to provide the caterer with an accurate meal… Read More »CBR Mensa Annual Holiday Party